To the Men and Women in Blue Who Protect Our City,
The Queens Jewish Community Council convey our sincerest condolences to you on the loss of Officer Jason Rivera and Officer Wilbert Mora. Our hearts are with their families and loved ones as well.
The NYPD has always been there to support and protect QJCC at events, and as partners in our mission to serve the needs of the people of Queens. Just like we call on you for our needs, we want you to know we are here to serve you however we can. In dark times like these, that may mean service through emotional and/or spiritual support. In those ways, we are here for you now.
QJCC mourns with the NYPD on these tragic losses. We look forward to continuing to work with you on civic and cultural events. And we thank you as we continue to turn to you for security and many other police related issues.
Michael Nussbaum Mayer Waxman
President Executive Director