The Queens Jewish Community Council is sympathetic to the plight of Ukraine’s approximated 200,000 Jews – as well as to the plight of all the good and innocent people there. QJCC calls on its member organizations and their members to do what they can to support victims of this war.
Queens is famously New York’s most diverse Borough, and one of the most diverse regions in the United States. The people of Queens live harmoniously together and work together to quash base antipathy and hatred. Queens’ diverse population includes some 9,500 Ukrainians and 58,000 Russians. Queens, too is home to some 200,000 Jews. Many of them are from the former Soviet Union, including both countries.
In these frightening times, when one clear aggressor has unprovokedly invaded a sovereign nation, leaving thousands of people dead or at risk, Queens represents a paragon of peaceful coexistence. QJCC stands with the Ukrainian people calling for a swift and peaceful end to this heinous intrusion.
Michael Nussbaum Mayer Waxman
President Executive Director